New share-mate joins me
Posted on 20:02 by Chris
Hi guys!Last Friday, I heard the news that there would a new share-mate coming to join me (in another room) from the owner.
There was actually another share-mate stayed here, but after a heated argument between him and the owner, among a number of misunderstanding for some very little, common-sensable stuffs, he had left and there was only me stayin here... until now.
I was quite worried during the time whether I will the only one to stay here or not, as the uni has commenced and most students should found there home at this time, there was a little hope for anyone to find here. The owner also proved this by saying that after that guy "wasted" a week here, just seemed like harder to find students to rent here.
So when I knew that someone will be joining me here, I was quite excited and started guessing who's that. Will he be someone from Hong Kong? Will he/she is from the West?
Finally it's unveiled "he" is a guy from Mainland China who appears just started uni here. Hopefully we will live well together without much arguments.
But I bet my boredom here will change not-so-much, as he's from China (do not treat this as discrimination men!), and I'm quite Western minded, I guess I really don't have any common interests with him.
Any Comments?
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