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Friday, June 08, 2007

Next in the race around the world... Hong Kong

Posted on 01:40 by Chris

Just hours ago, I caught up with the popular reality show The Amazing Race. Current season shown here in Australia is season 11 All Star Edition. Where this episode the teams were travelled to Hong Kong, and I believe this is the first time Hong Kong is a major leg in the race.

The Amazing Race in Hong Kong

This time the teams has gone through Road Blocks, Detours and Fast Forward in Hong Kong and most of these tasks are related to movie industry of Hong Kong.

Spoiler Warning: One thing was very funny to me, is that at one point in this episode when teams were instructed to travel across the Victoria Harbour from Kowloon to Hong Kong Island by Star Ferry. At the point the teams get the clue, one team mistakenly told their taxi driver to "Star Ferry, Hong Kong Island" and therefore the driver drove them to the Hong Kong side of the ferry pier. While the team still didn't know they're already at Hong Kong Island at that point, they then get on a Star Ferry and travelled back to Kowloon side. Right until they asked a local on board and finally realized they have been stupid for that, and so they remained on the same boat and travelled back to the island side.

Through this had wasted some amount of time, the team were still lucky enough to be the third team (of four teams) to arrive at the Pit Stop.

I know that is only gonna humorous to Hong Kong people or those who know Hong Kong very much, but I guess this is worth to share, as I am so excited the race took place in my home place.

For more detail on this leg of the race, visit this Wikipedia page.

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